Getting to Know…

Teresa Olsen

Getting to Know Sophomore Sophie Scott

Interview and photo by Photojournalism student Teresa Olsen

  1. How has your day been?
  2. Rather pleasant, thank you.
  3. What was your favorite pet/toy growing up? Why?
  4. Well, I’ve only ever had a hamster named cookie dough and a fish named Spike, and it’d be hard for me to pick between the two.
  5. Would you rather live in a big city or in a rural area?
  6. A rural area because I like the quiet, in contrast to a loud city.
  7. What is your favorite thing to do at the end of a long day?
  8. Just to sit back and relax, knowing i have no further work to do.
  9. What is your favorite school subject? Why?
  10. I truly enjoy English because of my love for reading.
  11. Do you have an idea of what you want to do after high school?
  12. So senior year I hope to be in teaching academy, and the year following attend WSU to get a teaching degree.
  13. What is something funny/weird you did as a kid?
  14. Ummm, when I was little, my family went to St. Louis and I introduced us to everyone.
  15. Who is someone who has positively impacted your life? How/why?
  16. A. Definitely my siblings, they have all been good role models and are my closest friends.
  17. If you were to write a memoir about your life, what would the title be?
  18. Who I Am
  19. If you could know what the rest of your life is going to look like, (your vocation, career, the day you die, etc.) would you want to know? Why/why not?
  20. I wouldn’t want to know what my future holds, because if I didn’t like it, I would be constantly trying to change it and be constantly unhappy. I would never be able to enjoy myself if I was living in the constant fear of tomorrow.