Bishop Carroll had its annual “Eagles’ Jamboree” on Thursday night. Despite the rain, there was an amazing turnout, and all eight communities were represented, along with the band, cheerleaders, and Homecoming court.
Carroll students really showed their artistic side while decorating the floats. “The floats were very creative incorporating their saints into the theme of homecoming. The communities did a great job of doing those two things,” said Mr. Schuckman.
With a Homecoming theme of “Tackle the Titans,” floats featured slogans including “Mama T Thirsts for Victory” and “St. Sebastian Strong.” St. Dominic Savio, had one student dressed up as a Carroll football player battling another student, who represented the Titians. Every float however, presented laughing, screaming Eagles excited for Homecoming . Students also threw candy from the floats into the crowd while cheering.
Things weren’t looking good for the jamboree when, at 6:00, it began to pour. Students, teachers, and families ran for cover from the rain, but the floats couldn’t be helped. Unfortunately, St. Therese of Lisieux’s crepe paper float suffered a little damage. After the rain let up, all of the floats were soaked, along with every sign and student. However, this didn’t stop anyone from climbing into the trailers to parade around the school!
Senior members from St. Maximillian Kolbe collectively commented that they felt having to be in the rain, and cleaning up their sopping wet float really brought the community together.
Ms. Johnsen said, “I thought this year’s Jamboree and parade was quite a success as far as the community system. It seems like we had a lot more participation with including the entirety of the school.”
“I liked being on the float and cleaning it up, even if it was drenched, because it was such a fun bonding experience for us,” said Molly Carley.
After the parade, there were carnival games, food trucks, and music available for participants to enjoy.
Carnival games included a Ring Toss, Dunk Tank, (which had many teacher participants) Gaga Ball, Photo Booths, and Face Painting/Tattoos.
Overall, the Jamboree was a success. “I saw a lot more involvement of the students this year opposed to a select few in the past. This year a lot of people have stepped up and contributed to school activities” said Schuckman.