Homecoming Week activities include College Game Day dress-up theme, big Powder Puff night

Anna Engel, Lexi Steven, Editors

The theme for Homecoming Week is “You can’t mask Carroll pride.” Plans are fluid and the football game is in “limbo,” but organizers are still preparing a pride-filled week. 

The week kicks off on Oct. 5 with “College Game Day” as the dress-up day. Tuesday is a remote learning day (and the seniors take the ACT test); Wednesday, the dress-up theme is “Decades” and Thursday is “Country vs. City.” As is tradition, Friday is “Ultimate Pride.“

Due to COVID, there will be no Homecoming dance. 

The football game scheduled for the Friday of Homecoming Week is “in limbo,” Principal Vanessa Harshberger said. The hope is that band, pom and cheer will perform at the Powder Puff game and the football game, if there is a game. 

Because of this, Powder Puff on Oct. 7 could be the big event of the week. During halftime, band, pom squad, and possibly cheer will perform. If there is no football game, the court royalty will be introduced and king and queen will be named during halftime. A certain percentage (still undecided) of students will be allowed to come to powder puff.

There will also be a raffle every day with names drawn every hour. BC is going to have an optional door decorating contest based off of the theme. The top three houses will get a donut breakfast later in the week.

The school is working on a live stream open mic night too. 

The Homecoming Week theme was selected to energize students to make the most out of the week.

Ms. Abby Johnsen said, “We want to focus on the fact that even in the midst of all the craziness, the students are still able to rally together. We need to have that school spirit and unleash it a bit.”