Flyer blogs: ‘something different and good’

Staffers weigh in on the first few weeks of school

Annia Blasi: “My whole concept of time has been rocked.”

Annia Blasi: Maybe the 2020 seniors had it the worst. Maybe the 2021 seniors doIt felt like disappointment after disappointment. Not being in control of where we go and what we do has been the most impactful event in most of our lives as high school students. After the initial shock of itwe learned a lot about ourselves. I learned that I work better in the mornings, and that computer work is not something I want as a career. My family learned that we are bad at not being busy. My whole concept of time has been rocked. March felt like a century, April lasted a week, and May happened in a day. Somehow summer is over, and we’re back in school with something I will not call a “new normal.” It’s not normal, but it is new, a little nerve-wracking, and maybewide open for something different and good.  

Peter Burns: Hopefully as the year goes on it will get better and we will all adapt to the new learning conditions. I really feel bad for the freshman and the seniors this year. The freshman might not even meet half their grade with the new schedule, and the seniors might get even less things than last years class. No lockers can be a real pain since we have to carry all the books we need and anything else that we might need for after school with sports and activities. With all the precautions though hopefully we will return to normal life soon and the staff and students will be able to agree on what to do and a safe and organized way to do it.

Aubrey Schnieders: This year has been a crazy, whirlwind of cancellations, reopenings, changing schedules, masks, and mixed emotions. From my personal experience it has been a chance to slow my world down and learn how to relax and stay calm while also being able to adapt to new changes every single day. I was honestly a little upset that school had decided to have a hybrid schedule and not have school completely online because I worked really with online school. But despite being timid about school starting again the way it was, I was excited to go back and be around everyone again. 

Now, after going to school for about a week, I feel like we may have started a little too early and did not get enough time to prepare. I wish that we had waited maybe another week so we could explore canvas and the new hybrid schedule before getting assignments from our classesI know that we are still in a state of “fake it till you make it” but it was a hard transition to make from our once normal livesI’m hoping as the year progresses, we can all have a better sense of how to go about our daily lives and make everything work out while still battling a global pandemic. We can just hope that as we learn more about Covid-19 we can slowly make a new normal and make school the best it can be.